vendredi 14 novembre 2014

Alpha Testing, Beta Testing

"Acceptance testing is sometimes called 'alpha testing' ... The alpha testing process continues until the system developer and the client agree that the delivered system is an acceptable implementation of the requirements.

When a system is to be marketed as a software product, a testing process called 'beta testing' is often used. Beta testing involves delivering a system to a number of potential customers who agree to use that system. They report problems to the system developers. This exposes the product to real use and detects errors that may not have been anticipated by the system builders. After this feedback, the system is modified and released either for further beta testing or for general sale".

Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering 9th edition, page 42.

lundi 18 août 2014

Software Quality

"The guidance generally given is that software quality is achieved through rigorous management of the software life cycle which involves requirement analysis, specification, design, implementation, testing, verification. Safety assessment is a new dimension which needs to be added to the life cycle of safety-critical software."

Trevor Kletz, "Computer Control and Human Error", page 45.

vendredi 25 avril 2014

مصر: قلب الوعي العربي في العصر الحديث

"إذا كانت تونس، تاريخيا، فاعلا صغيرا في العالم العربي، صغيرة المساحة و مغرقة في العلمانية، فإن مصر كانت في العصر الحديث قلب الوعي العربي بالذات. و مصر ليست أكبر بلد عربي من حيث الكثافة السكانية و الأكثر مركزية من حيث الجغرافيا فحسب، بل إنها موطن حركتين أيديولوجيتين كبيرتين متنافستين في القرن العربي الحديث: القومية العربية و الإسلام السياسي".

نوح فيلدمان، "سقوط الدولة الإسلامية و نهوضها"، ص. 16